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Clear Aligner Therapy: Get a Straighter Smile with Less Hassle

If you have always wished for a perfectly aligned smile, your transformation can start today. Instead of obtrusive metal braces, Dentalogic uses clear aligner therapy to perfect your smile. This treatment uses discreet, transparent aligners to straighten your smile. Clear braces are ideal for adults with professional careers or anyone not ready to commit to traditional braces. 

Tired of your crooked teeth or misaligned bite in Oak Lawn, Illinois? Please schedule an appointment with Dr. Homam Saadi to experience our “braceless” teeth alignment treatment. You’ll love every bit of clear aligner therapy.

How do clear braces work?

When pressure is applied to the tooth, naturally, the tooth will move in the direction of the pressure. Traditional braces apply pressure on the teeth using wire-connected brackets that require frequent adjustments with the dentist. In contrast, clear braces use see-through, removable aligners to apply controlled pressure on teeth for optimal alignment. This way, clear aligners offer a discreet and convenient teeth alignment treatment. 

Clear braces use advanced technology to plan your treatment from start to finish. After a consultation with the dentist, we digitally scan your teeth to create a 3D rendering of your mouth. Then, we use sophisticated technology to establish how and when each tooth will move to perfection.

Each set of aligners is worn for about two weeks before switching to the next one that moves your teeth closer to perfection. Also, while the aligners are removable, you must wear them for 20-22 hours, only removing them during mealtime or when cleaning teeth. Typical treatment takes 12-18 months, although milder cases can be completed in as little as six months!

Benefits of clear braces

No one likes treatment that draws unnecessary attention from the entire world. Clear braces are minimally invisible, allowing you to align your teeth and bite without anyone noticing. This way, you can straighten your teeth even if you are a busy executive or simply self-conscious about metal braces.

The other benefits of clear braces include:

  • Convenience: The removable nature of clear braces means you can eat all your favorite foods without restrictions. You simply remove the aligners and wear them back when done. Similarly, you don’t have to alter your oral hygiene. Removable clear braces allow you to brush and floss your teeth without disruptions.
  • Comfortable treatment: Clear braces are created from smooth, flexible material that ensures comfortable treatment— expect no sharp edges or protruding wires to irritate your cheeks or gums. 
  • Fast treatment: Clear braces are often faster than conventional braces when used as directed. 

Would you like to straighten your smile with clear braces? Call (331) 233 - 1001 to schedule an appointment with Dentalogic for invisible teeth straightening. 

I’ve lost my clear aligner. What do I do?

 If you’ve lost your clear aligner, it’s essential to contact our office in Oak Lawn, Illinois, promptly. We can assess your treatment progress and determine the best course of action. Depending on your situation, we may advise moving to the next set of aligners or requesting a replacement aligner. Fast communication with our team is crucial to ensure minimal disruption to your treatment plan and maintain progress toward achieving your desired smile.

My treatment is over, and I notice my teeth have shifted. What do I do?

 If you notice your teeth have shifted after completing your clear aligner therapy, contact our Oak Lawn, Illinois, team for assistance. We can assess your situation and recommend necessary steps to address the shifting, including additional treatment with clear braces and retainers to maintain your desired smile.

Can clear aligners address teeth crowding?

 Yes, clear aligner therapy can effectively address teeth crowding. By using custom-made, clear braces, your teeth will gradually shift into proper alignment, resolving crowding issues. A consultation with our Oak Lawn, Illinois, team can determine if clear aligner therapy suits your specific crowding concerns.

Can clear aligners address gaps in my smile?

 Yes, clear aligner therapy can treat gaps in your smile. The custom-made, clear aligners gradually shift teeth into the desired position, closing gaps and improving overall alignment. A consultation with our Oak Lawn, Illinois, team can determine if clear aligner therapy suits your specific gap concerns.

How do clear braces compare to traditional metal braces?

 Clear braces and traditional metal braces are both effective orthodontic treatments but differ in several ways. Clear aligners are virtually invisible, removable, and typically more comfortable than traditional braces. They allow for easier oral hygiene and dietary flexibility. On the other hand, metal braces are fixed onto teeth, visible, and can cause discomfort or irritation. Treatment duration and effectiveness vary depending on individual needs and preferences. A consultation with our Oak Lawn, Illinois, team can help determine which option aligns best with your lifestyle and orthodontic goals.

Will I need a retainer following my clear aligner therapy?

 Following treatment, it’s typically recommended that you wear a retainer to help keep your teeth positioned correctly and prevent them from shifting to pre-treatment alignment. Our team will provide specific instructions on retainer use based on your treatment plan and needs.

Is clear aligner therapy appropriate for all ages?

Clear aligner therapy is suitable for most ages, including teenagers and adults. However, it may not be recommended for young children whose teeth and jaws are still developing. Schedule a consultation with our team in Oak Lawn, Illinois, to determine if clear aligner therapy is suitable for your specific age and orthodontic needs.

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