4425 W 95th St, Oak Lawn, IL 60453
Dentist showing a dental bridge model
Dental Bridges
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Get Your Beautiful, Complete Smile Back With Life-looking Dental Bridges

When it comes to top-tier dental bridges in Oak Lawn, Illinois, trust Dentalogic. Whether you are missing one or more teeth, Dr. Homam Saadi and the team offer functional, realistic-looking dental bridges to restore your smile’s function and beauty. We use cutting-edge technology and high-quality materials to ensure your tooth replacement is durable, comfortable, and natural-looking.

Real Patients, Real Results Dentalogic – Before and After Images of Patients

Before and After patient Best Results from real patients

The patient came in for a consultation to replace some missing teeth due to an accident many years ago. Implants were not suitable, but rather, a bridge was performed that was done in just two visits, making him smile with confidence.

Before and After patient results at 95th St, Oak Lawn

The patient had an old bridge that was several years old, with chipped porcelain exposing the metal underneath. A new bridge was made, and the smile was restored.

More Results

What Is A Dental Bridge?

Dr. Saadi will recommend dental bridges to replace missing or failing teeth. Like architectural bridges, dental bridges come in different designs, depending on the number of teeth lost, location, budget, and needs. 

Traditional bridges are held in place with anchor teeth (abutments) on either side of the gap. The replacement teeth (pontics) are custom-fitted to “sit” seamlessly in the edentulous gap. However, for optimal support, the abutment teeth must be crowned. This means the abutment tooth must be shaved to enable the crown to fit snugly. 

Sometimes, you may not have healthy abutments, or you simply don’t want your otherwise healthy teeth altered. If you want a more “tooth-saving” option, we recommend an implant-supported bridge. This bridge type is supported by an implant secured in the jawbone. Implant-supported bridges are incredibly stable and prevent bone loss in the area placed.

The dental bridge procedure

Many conventional dental bridges require at least two appointments. We’ll examine your oral health during the first appointment to ensure a bridge is a good option. If yes, we’ll carefully reshape the abutment teeth to create space for dental crowns. 

Next, the dentist will take digital images of your mouth to create a model for our dental lab during fabrication. Your dental bridges take 2-3 weeks to make, a period in which you’ll wear provisional restorations to protect your prepped teeth. 

You’ll return to our office for placement when your bridge is ready. We’ll try your new bridge, making any required adjustments to ensure a precise fit. It may take some time to acclimate to your bridge, but once you do, you’ll forget they are a replacement.

Benefits of dental bridges

Dental bridges offer numerous benefits for patients with tooth loss. 

Some include:

  • Restored oral function
  • Easy maintenance
  • Affordable treatment
  • Natural feel and appearance
  • Prevent nearby teeth from shifting
  • Improved confidence
  • Durable and long-lasting procedure

Book an appointment for dental bridge treatment!

Whether you have a single missing tooth or multiple gaps, our dental bridges are designed to suit your specific dental needs. Don’t let that mouth gap deprive your smile of its beauty and function. Call (331) 233-1001 to schedule a consultation with Dentalogic. 

Success Stories