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Dentist doing a root planing procedure for her patient
Scaling and Root Planing
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Scaling and Root Planing: The Key to Effective Gum Disease Treatment for Healthy Smiles

Dentalogic carries out thorough screenings for gum disease as a routine part of dental examinations for all patients. When we spot any signs of gum disease, we start treatment immediately because gum disease can cause irreversible damage when left untreated. 

Dr. Homam Saadi treats the early form of gum disease (gingivitis) with standard dental cleanings and consistent oral hygiene. However, if you have advanced gum disease, we’ll recommend deep teeth cleaning to overcome gum disease for optimal gum health.

What Is Deep Teeth Cleaning?

Also known as periodontal cleaning, deep dental cleaning is a two-procedure treatment that removes hardened plaque (calculus) and bad bacteria from above and beneath the gum line. Through scaling, the dentist uses special tools to scrape off tartar from the deep pockets between your teeth and gums. 

Root planing eliminates rough spots in the tooth roots where harmful bacteria like to gather. Polishing the tooth roots also promotes healing by encouraging the reattachment of healthy tissues to the teeth. 

What To Expect During Scaling And Root Planing

You may require two or more appointments to benefit from periodontal cleaning— the number of visits depends on the severity of the infection. Although deep teeth cleaning is a non-surgical treatment, we’ll administer anesthesia to minimize discomfort during the procedure.

During the first visit, we’ll treat half of the mouth. After a week or so, you’ll return to have the other half of the mouth treated. Each visit shouldn’t last more than 90 minutes, and you can drive home after the procedure. If the infection is severe, you may need four visits to treat each quadrant at a time.

Deep teeth cleaning is an effective stand-alone treatment, but sometimes, the dentist can complement it with antibiotic therapy to reduce the chances of re-infection. After treatment, you may experience increased tooth sensitivity, mild bleeding, and swelling. We’ll prescribe pain medication and home remedies to manage the symptoms. 

On average, it takes 5-7 days to heal from the procedure. However, we’ll schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your recovery progress after your treatment. 

Benefits of scaling and root planing

These are the benefits of periodontal cleaning at our office:

  • Effective gum disease treatment
  • Conservative procedure
  • Improved oral and general health
  • Stops bad breath
  • Enhances your smile appeal

Gum disease treatment in Oak Lawn, Illinois

Do you suspect gum disease and think scaling and root planing could work for you? Call (331) 233-1001 to schedule an appointment with the Dentalogic team. 

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