4425 W 95th St, Oak Lawn, IL 60453
Dentist doing a dental check up for his patient

Dental Cleanings & Check-Ups

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Keep Up with Your Oral Health with Routine Dental Check-ups and Cleanings

If you diligently brush and floss your teeth, congratulations! However, at-home dental care is just part of your oral hygiene regimen. For all-rounded dental care, you must visit a dentist at least twice yearly for regular dental exams and cleanings

Dentalogic in Oak Lawn, Illinois, makes dental visits as easy as possible because we understand the importance of a healthy mouth. Dr. Homam Saadi and the team offer flexible appointments, gentle care, and modern technology to ensure you have no reason to miss out on preventive dentistry.

What to expect during your routine exam

A regular dental check-up at our office is a quick and painless procedure, often completed within an hour. The check-up starts with a physical and visual exam to inspect your mouth for signs of gum disease, decay, mouth cancer, and misalignment. If it’s been a while since you had dental x-rays taken, we’ll order some to unearth issues like cysts, bone loss, tooth impaction, and other problems not visible to the naked eye. 

When we spot dental issues during your exam, we’ll devise a treatment plan, including tooth fillings, dental crowns, periodontal care, etc. We’ll review the treatment plan to ensure we restore your teeth conservatively and on budget. 

Dental cleanings at our office

After your dental exam, it’s time to clean your teeth professionally. While you brush and floss your teeth daily, cleaning all areas of your mouth effectively is impossible. That’s why dental cleanings are essential for removing built-in plaque and tartar.

During a dental cleaning or oral prophylaxis, the dentist or dental hygienist uses special tools and skills to clean every bit of your teeth, especially between teeth and just beneath the gum line. After a thorough cleaning, we polish your teeth with a special toothpaste to leave your smile with a shiny, smooth finish. 

Benefits of regular dental exams and cleanings

You already know you should see a dentist at least twice yearly for check-ups and cleanings. But despite this knowledge, many patients don’t see the need for regular dental appointments, especially when not in pain or having an obvious dental problem. Routine dental check-ups are vital for good oral health, even if you think you have a healthy mouth.

Regular dental exams yield numerous benefits that go beyond the mouth. Some include:

  • Early detection of oral problems
  • Preventing cavities and gum disease
  • Long-term cost savings
  • Maintains overall well-being
  • Boosts your confidence and self-esteem

We know life gets busy, and it’s easy to push regular oral exams to the backburner. No worries! If it’s a while since you last saw a dentist, we welcome you at Dentalogic — no smile is hopeless in our eyes. Please call (331) 233 - 1001 to book your appointment. 

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